Saturday, 19 December 2009

09/10 - Winter Reading

We suggest you read a work of fiction by a living author in preparation for semester 2 project - doesnt have to be a magnum, it can be a short story, novella or even a set of poems...

This is the range of novellas mentioned in forum. Melville House Publishing, Brooklyn NYC . They are sold in Foyles - the independent bookseller - loads of unique reading matter to chose from. Link Here

Have a good vacation - see you 2010.

09/10 - Oxford Mail Cutting

Here is an excerpt from the recent issue of Oxford Mail featuring an article about our Jericho Public Realm Improvement project.

09/10 - Semester 1 Portfolio Hand-in

09/10 - OBU Press Release Photo Shoot

The whirlwind photoshoot in the studio with local Councillors, Tutors and students in time for the OBU press release.

09/10 - Extraordinary Matters Final Crit

With thanks to our visiting critics: Mark Swenarton, John Stevenson, Ronnie McLlellan, Ithomi Zafiropoulos and Laurie Cottam.
Images: Sushi Club - Jon Hasson-Dogrell, Button Appreciation Society - Katie Rudin, Club - Grace Wong